Sohan Lal Commodity Management Limited (SLCM)
SLCM recognizes the importance of being an organized player in the Agri Sector. The Group has launched various initiatives to augment relations between employees and the management. SLCM believes in the philosophy that “If you expect your employees to have a heart for your business, you must have a heart for your employees.” And that’s the motive behind all the Employee Engagement Programs that are organized by the company.
Festivals and celebrations are looked upon as an opportunities to engage our workforce proactively. We get thrilled to see the enthusiasm and excitement shared by each employee for the birthday celebrations, quiz, festival celebrations and team outings, etc.
“We organize exciting games to boost competitiveness amongst the employees. We also give out equally interesting gifts which is a way to say that our employees are important to us. These celebrations further motivate employees to participate in the activities with much fervor” – opines Mr. Manish Mandan, Head of Human Resources & Admin.
With over 30 decades of experience in working for child welfare and protection, Welfare Home For Children, is a recognized and awarded voluntary organization, duly licensed and registered with the Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi and Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India.
It is working for the care, protection, education, welfare, rehabilitation and adoption of abandoned/destitute or orphan children. Our objective is to ensure that each child that steps into our home should feel he or she is home, even if temporarily. It looks at a holistic development of every child that ensures they are reared in an environment of love and affection, are safe and secure, happy, pursue their education so as to ensure a seamless move of a well adjusted child to their adoptive parents.
In our effort to share our happiness with the eco system we thrive and live up to, SLCM family extended their happiness with these children while celebrating the 10 year celebration of incorporation by serving them meals and gifts among other week long planned activities for 10 year celebrations.
Plantation of trees and plants helps in making the environment better. It purifies the air, conserves water, helps in climate control, preserves soil and benefits the overall environment in several other ways.
To foster an understanding of ecological value of trees SLCM family conducted a plantation drive at Government School, Raghubir Nagar, New Delhi. As part of the drive SLCM employees planted the tree saplings at the school premises and took an oath to upkeep these saplings , till they become trees.
JAAV, Janta Adarsh Andh Vidyalaya is a school for visually challenged children. Most of these children are from poor families who cannot take care of their special needs. They come from various states like Assam, Bihar, Chhatisgarh, Delhi, Haryana, Jharkhand, M.P, Rajasthan, U.P., Uttrakhand, Punjab, West Bengal. The Vidyalaya has maximum capacity of 140 visually challenged students in the Hostel.
In our effort to share our happiness with the eco system we thrive and live up to, SLCM family extended their happiness with these children while celebrating the 10 year celebration of incorporation by serving them meals and gifts among other week long planned activities for 10 year celebrations.
Manav Mandir Orphanage parenting orphans across Delhi / NCR affiliated via government of Delhi. It is a home for deprived and abandoned children between age group of 3 to 17 years. They have children from families who have abandoned them, families where parents are in judicial custody and no one is there to take care of them, families where there have been casualties.
In our effort to share our happiness with the ecosystem we thrive and live up to, SLCM family extended their happiness with these children while celebrating the 10 year celebration of incorporation by serving them meals and stationeries among other week long planned activities for 10 year celebrations.
Team bonding brings people together by encouraging Collaboration and Teamwork. Fun activities that help people see each other in a different light allow them to connect in a different setting is one of the most powerful way of team building. Through a series of planned team bonding events, the group constantly makes effort to motivate the employees & keep their spirits high.
We celebrated New Year with 'Retro Theme Dress Code' and Quirky New Year Resolution Competition'. The best retro dressed employees (Male & Female) and the three most Quirky Resolutions shared by employees were awarded. All the employees were very excited to participate and welcomed the New Year with a bang.
We mark the day with a get-together of our female counterparts with the opening address by our Group CEO on Women Empowerment. The idea is to recognize their work and importance in the work environment by way of making them feel special. The Group has clearly defined Sexual Harassment Policy for its women workforce which is adhered rigorously & all such complaints are dealt stringently.
Every year Independence Day is celebrated on 14th August 2017 in our office with a Tri Colour theme dress code and the best dressed employees are rewarded. Other activities like Treasure Hunt competitions, Patriotic songs singing competition and slogan making activities are also conducted with a small get together for Flag Hoisting. All the employees are always very delighted and excited to participate.
‘Festival of Lights’ is celebrated with great pomp and show every year. We mark the festivities by celebrating the entire week as “Diwali Week” and each day throughout the week activities are conducted in which every employee participates with great enthusiasm. We play games like Tambola, Antakshari, Straw & Gems, Rangoli and Musical Chair. The winners are given attractive gift hampers. Best Ethnic Wear Competition is also conducted during Diwali and the winners are crowned with the title of Mr. & Ms. SLCM.
We celebrated First Inter-Company Cricket League during the month of August 2017 between SLCM, NEFM & KAFS (the group ventures). The winning team ‘KAFS’ has been awarded by trophy, medals and certificates. Medals has distributed to man of the matches of the tournament while certificates has distributed to complete winning team including umpire.
The employees are encouraged to refer their friends/ex-colleagues to take up the job in our company. After the interview, new candidate goes for the training. If he becomes an employee of SLCM and continues to serve our company for minimum period of 3 months, then the Employee who had introduced him would be rewarded with a bonus for the same.
15 years of Innovation in Agriculture
SLCM was delighted and proud to embrace 15 years of presence in the segment delivering vital agribusiness solutions. Extending beyond the business fraternity, the SLCM family understands the importance of loyalty, empathy, and respect.
In supporting this celebration, SLCM took part in an event to nurture our eco-system, upholding our ideology of inclusiveness and community service. The core of our offerings revolved around farmers and rural entrepreneurs with propositions of agricultural-focused loans through our engaged brand – KisaanDhan. The farmers have improved their livelihoods through this engagement to the tune of nearly 700,000 farmers and over 35,000 woman entrepreneurs benefitting from it. SLCM demonstrated once again its intent of fostering growth with inclusion and sustainability.
Indeed, this 15th victory celebration certainly does showcase SLCM’s purpose of bringing the farmers to the opportunity table, enabling their financial accessibility, and providing them with advanced agriculture logistics solutions. SLCM integrated technology, community & collaboration to deliver post-harvest agricultural management solutions through its maturity to become the industry leader and secure a sustainable future for all the stakeholders in the ecosystem.
We expand our boundaries and push new records in the hope for many more years where success will encourage beneficial leadership, and togetherness will continue bringing smiles!